French Door Vs. Side-By-Side Refrigerator - Danny's Appliance

French Door Vs. Side-By-Side Refrigerator

French Door Vs. Side-By-Side Refrigerator

Danny’s offers a variety of brand-name refrigerators, but when it comes to refrigerator styles, there are tons of options to choose from!

What is a French Door Fridge?

French door refrigerator has double doors that open at the middle to reveal wide shelving inside, with a freezer drawer that slides out underneath. Some models have built-in water and ice dispensers.

What Are the Pros?

  • Wider dimensions allow for larger food items, like sizable storage containers and large serving trays.
  • Modern design – often with stainless-steel – offers a sleek, stylish look to any kitchen.
  • Configuration of the fridge’s interior helps keep your food at eye level, so you don’t have to bend as much to grab what you need.

What Are the Cons?

  • Although they are modern and spacious, they can be pricey.
  • The door storage inside can be narrow, forcing you to use the main shelving space.
  • With some models, many find the ice dispenser units in the freezer drawer inconvenient.
  • The more features a refrigerator has, the more energy it needs to run.

What is a Side-by-Side Fridge?

A side-by-side refrigerator has top-to-bottom shelving on both sides, one serving as the freezer and the other as the fridge. Generally, the fridge side is larger. Many brands offer options, such as ice and water dispensers.

What Are the Pros?

  • Their slim shape makes it easier to fit comfortably, even in smaller kitchen spaces.
  • Proportionally, side by side refrigerators has more freezer storage room than French doors due to the top-to-bottom shelving options.
  • They are less expensive and most models come with built-in water and ice dispensers.
  • More sizable door storage to fit large containers.

What Are the Cons?

  • Ice and water dispensers require upkeep.
  • With smaller dimensions, larger pans or food may not easily fit.

How to Choose What’s Best for You

While French door and side-by-side fridges are both great options for a kitchen upgrade, each has its advantages. Think about what suits your lifestyle and family needs.

If you need help buying or choosing a refrigerator, shop at Danny’s Appliance! We offer a variety of high-quality models at an affordable price. Call us today at 401-351-0510 or visit our showroom in Providence.